发表于 2020-5-12 16:58:01
拷贝进去的autofly.py怎么执行不了,显示permission denied |
发表于 2020-5-12 18:30:19
发表于 2020-5-25 17:26:26
发表于 2020-5-27 16:55:14
请问仿真时不能自动定位?只能用默认的地图tile? |
发表于 2020-5-29 17:41:04
发表于 2020-9-27 14:06:27
用咱们的仿真教程,里面有python脚本控制无人机飞行,切换到posctl模式后,按住ikjl之类的控制按键,飞机并不运动,很快就从armed变成disarmed,roslaunch simulation circular_px4.launch这个例程;不知道什么原因呢 |
发表于 2020-9-29 15:41:37
source source_enviroment.sh之后提示 bash: source_enviroment.sh: 没有那个文件或目录 ,但明明有阿,erq我没pull。 |
发表于 2020-9-29 16:09:32
发表于 2020-10-19 11:11:50
执行代码:roslaunch simulation circular_px4.launch
错误信息:[ INFO] [1603076638.017346273, 0.020000000]: Physics dynamic reconfigure ready.
[INFO] [1603076638.177274, 0.176000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_sdf_model
Error Code 11 Msg: Unable to find uri[model://iris]
<sdf version='1.6'>
<world name='default'>
<gravity>0 0 -9.8</gravity>
<magnetic_field>6e-06 2.3e-05 -4.2e-05</magnetic_field>
<atmosphere type='adiabatic'/>
<physics name='default_physics' default='0' type='ode'>
<ambient>0.4 0.4 0.4 1</ambient>
<background>0.7 0.7 0.7 1</background>
[INFO] [1603076865.628613, 10.188000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Entity pushed to spawn queue, but spawn service timed out waiting for entity to appear in simulation under the name iris
[ERROR] [1603076865.630865, 10.192000]: Spawn service failed. Exiting.
[spawn_model-6] process has died [pid 11402, exit code 1, cmd /opt/ros/melodic/lib/gazebo_ros/spawn_model -sdf -database iris -model iris -x 0 -y 0 -z 0 -R 0 -P 0 -Y 0 __name:=spawn_model __log:=/home/grey/.ros/log/b9a68848-11b7-11eb-b248-74d435dc9723/spawn_model-6.log].
log file: /home/grey/.ros/log/b9a68848-11b7-11eb-b248-74d435dc9723/spawn_model-6*.log
[ WARN] [1603076885.519410455, 30.064000000]: RC override not supported by this FCU!
[ WARN] [1603076915.616960744, 60.132000000]: RC override not supported by this FCU!